When I first went to the UniMed center I was extremely overweight. Looking
in the mirror I did not see it. It was not until I started seeing photos of
myself did I realize how much weight I had gained. I knew I had to do
something. I was only 33 years old. I started my weight loss experience in
October of 2016. Each week I went back to see Dr. Liu to discuss how it was
going and get weighed in. Progress was very slow but I knew I could not give
up. I was only loosing between 2 and 3lbs each week. I stuck with the
program through the holidays and entered 2017, having already lost 35
pounds. I kept going.
Now, 10 months later, my BMI is down from being
severely overweight to normal. I have lost over 62 pounds. I feel amazing,
and not only because my pants actually fit, but because I can walk up a
flight a stairs and I am not tired anymore. I am still continuing a meal
plan with the help of Dr. Liu. It is important to keep a healthy life style.
I have a long life ahead of me that I intend to enjoy and I do not want to
go back to where I was.
– Megan L.