We’ve all heard the woes of how much “screen time,” that is, the time we spend in front of a television or computer screen daily is impacting our waist lines. This day-and-age it is hard to tell how many hours the average person spends in front of a screen of some sort. Certain estimates say that children and adolescents under 18 are averaging about 7.5 hours a day in front of some sort of electronic media. For adults however this number is much higher, as many adults spend an additional eight hours every day at work in front of a computer screen.
What if you could change the negatives of sedentary screen time into something positive? This might be easier than you think! You can boost your efforts to lose weight with medical weight loss in East Brunswick by using social media to your advantage.
Social Network Accountability
Sharing your weight loss efforts with your friends and family members is shown to help encourage weight loss. That is because of the accountability you receive when you put yourself out there and let others know about your health and wellness goals.
If you announce your weight loss goals to your friends and they begin encouraging you, then you are going to think twice before checking in at that bakery or posting a picture of your dessert. Instead, you are going to want to give your friends something to cheer about. You might order a salad and post a picture of your healthy meal, or check in at the gym after work to let everyone know that you are doing your best.
Facebook, Twitter and Google + are all great starting points for social accountability, but there are several other tools that you can use to boost your weight loss efforts even farther:
- Lose It: This app is available on android and apple phones, making weight loss accountability easy on the go. You can log everything you’ve eaten, keep track of your exercise habits and input your goals so you have your entire weight loss program in the palm of your hand.
- Nike +: This is one of the premier exercise apps available on android and apple. It is tailored towards running but works fantastically for walking workouts too. By enabling your smart phone’s GPS this app will track your route and let you know how far and fast you are going, calculating your fitness patterns and calories burnt as you go. It will also work with your music so you can listen to your favorite tunes while you run, and don’t be too surprised when a celebrity athlete or trainer comes through your headphones to encourage you to keep pushing.
Both of these apps will sync with your Facebook or Twitter accounts so you can let your friends know how great you are doing. Do you know of any other resources that help build social accountability? Let us know in a comment below!