How do you energize yourself for a workout after a long day? Some people reach for coffee, some for soda, and there are others who prefer munching on energy bars as they drive to the gym after work. As you lose weight, you may want to find healthier strategies for keeping your energy levels high throughout the day.
Sometimes, these artificial energy sources can do their job. Loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners, these items can give you a big burst of energy and encourage you to be alert and on your game for an hour or two. But that energy doesn’t last. A few hours later you are likely to feel a crash of fatigue. If you aren’t careful, this can lead you to overeat as you turn to more snacks or calorie-laden drinks for energy to make it through the evening.
Even diet soda, which is marketed as a healthier alternative to its sugary counterpart, is not considered any better for you than traditional cola beverages. One recent study out of Purdue University found that regular consumption of diet sodas are associated with weight gain and an increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Tapping into your Body’s Natural Energy Resources
There are ways that you can increase your energy levels without turning to any of these sugary resources.
Here are a few ideas to boost your energy levels naturally:
- Listen to upbeat music: As you are wrapping up your day at the office or getting in your car to head to the gym, turn up the tunes. Start listening to upbeat music that you can work out to. This can help gear you up mentally for the workout ahead.
- Call a friend: Talking to a close friend or family member is a great source of mental stimulation. Make a habit of calling a close friend when you leave work so they can encourage you to head to the gym. You can even start scheduling trips to the gym together to energize each other while you are there.
- Exercise: That’s right—sometimes the best way to energize yourself for a workout is with a warm-up workout. Whether you are home or at the office, challenge yourself to a quick burst of activity like a short walk or a couple of jumping jacks. This can get your blood moving and may help you feel more awake.
If you are absolutely in need of a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, a cup of plain coffee is often the best route to take. Avoid the faux-milkshake mocha-caramel-extra-whip drinks and stick with things like low-fat milk to sweeten your beverage.