“Superfood” is a somewhat hyperbolic term that often gets overused in health-conscious circles. However, the idea that some foods have more nutritional value than others is not an exaggeration. As you focus on trimming down your waistline with medical weight loss in East Brunswick, it is useful to find fruits and veggies that pack the biggest nutritional punch and make them a part of your diet plan.
Though you should always stick to the dietary guidelines provided by your doctor, doing some research on the various kinds of healthy foods can be beneficial to your weight loss diet. Below are a few nutrient-packed superfoods that can give you some huge health benefits.
Hailing from the rainforests of Brazil, this sweet purple berry may be somewhat hard to find in the States, but is well-known as one of the most nutritious foods on Earth. Açaí contains 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and between 10 and 30 times the content of anthocyanins (pigment antioxidants) as red wine, making them one of the very best foods for protecting your body from cellular free radical damage and disease.
The pigment that gives these potent berries their color is known to boost energy levels, and the berries contain a unique blend of healthy fats, fiber, minerals and essential amino acids that can help promote digestive and cardiovascular health, proper muscle contraction and regeneration.
Low in fat, calories and sodium but high in dietary fiber, essential fatty acids and protein, beans of all kinds play such an important nutritional role that it’s no wonder they show up twice on the food pyramid—once with high protein foods like meat and eggs and again with nutrient-rich veggies. But even among legumes, few foods are as healthy as the humble lentil.
With more fiber than just about anything else you can eat, lentils will help you feel full faster and longer and also encourage healthy digestion. They’re packed with folate, manganese, iron, protein, phosphorus, copper, vitamin B1 and potassium, giving them a nutritional profile that’s hard to beat. Lentils are simple to prepare and easily absorb many flavors from other foods and seasonings. They grow year round, making it easy to add these wonderful little beans to your diet any time.
These tiny little stalks are produced when a seed begins growing into a vegetable and can come from the seeds of grains, legumes, buckwheat, beans and many veggies. Many people don’t realize that sprouts vary in taste based on the type of vegetable seed they grow from. Radish and onion sprouts offer a little more spice and texture than the hardiness of the Asian mung bean or the delicacy of alfalfa sprouts. But regardless of variety, they are highly nutritious, offering a great source of protein and vitamin C.
Every seed contains all the nutrients necessary for life, so you know when you eat fresh sprouts that you’re getting a slice of that nutritional value. They’re also a concentrated source of the living enzymes that can often be lost when foods are cooked or diminish in freshness, which also makes them much easier to digest than the seed or bean they sprouted from.
Sprouts can be used in various different ways. Alfalfa sprouts are popular to add texture and taste to sandwiches and salads while other varieties may be better when added to cooked dishes. Regardless of how you use them, be sure to eat them at their freshest for the best value.
Remember, not all foods are created equal. Try incorporating these three superfoods into your diet for some great nutritional rewards.